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on the right side of this page using your 7-digit FedEx ID found on FedEx ID badge.

Changing your password - For first time logins, the user will be prompted to change the password.

  • Passwords must be between 12 and 32  characters long and must contain at least one number and one special character (#, *, &, !, ?).
  • Passwords must be changed every 90 days.
  • Passwords can be reset by calling 1.855.NEW.PSWD (1.855.639.7793).
  • Passwords are case-sensitive.

Automatic log-out - After 18 minutes of inactivity, the site will automatically log out user if there is no response to the prompt.


Welcome to MyBizAccount

References to FedEx herein are to FedEx Ground Package System, Inc. or FedEx Ground, Ltd. (as applicable) before June 1, 2024, and to Federal Express Corporation or FedEx Ground, Ltd. (as applicable) on and after June 1, 2024.

MyBizAccount is an interactive site where service provider authorized personnel can view and manage information unique to the service provider including Agreement terms, Settlement/Charge statements, reports, forms, and more.

For news and general information, go to MyGroundBiz.com.

Site maintenance - This web site is scheduled for weekly maintenance every Sunday from 12 a.m. ET until 6 a.m. ET. The system may not be available during this period.


General Troubleshooting Steps:

Remote Access Logon

Log in process -
Click the Sign In button to enter your FedEx ID and password. Unauthorized access is prohibited.

Copyright 2005. Federal Express Corporation. All rights reserved.
The materials contained on this web site are the property of FedEx, and are provided solely for the use of current and potential FedEx contractors for business purposes and may not be used by any other person or entity, or for any other purpose. FedEx may block, terminate or suspend any user's access to this web site at any time for any reason in its sole discretion. Materials on this web site are subject to change without notice. Always refer to the online version for up-to-date information. FedEx shall not bear any responsibility for the contents of any off-site pages referenced.